The modern federal bureaucracy goes by many names: The Swamp, The Blob, the Permanent Managerial Class, or The Deep State. These pejorative terms describe a federal government exercising tremendous power without any responsibility or accountability. They do not work for the people any more than they are granted power by the people. A citizen cannot debate federal “experts” because they resort to the Argumentum ad Verecundiam Fallacy. The argument for authority retort means federal bureaucrats do not have to use logic or reason when dismissing inconvenient facts because they are the authorities. Concerned citizens have no standing with them because they mean nothing to them; their power comes from the state, and their allegiance is to the state.
Federal bureaucrats unquestionably accept open borders, massive wealth redistribution, radical gender politics, and an unthinking acceptance of the climate-change agenda. If you think any portion of the federal government is going to get more competent or more adept at problem-solving, you are smoking crack. Two recent news items illustrate why, despite reading the Daily Stoic every morning, despite knowing that anger and contempt are destructive for the soul, I can no longer read the news with equanimity. My early morning attempts at meditation are futile as my heart yearns to start slitting throats and terrorizing the faceless, unaccountable soft men who are creating hard times for every American not connected to the rent-seeking Permanent Managerial Class.
Elon Mush has been telling the funniest stories about his dealings with the National Marine Fisheries Service. That federal agency was suddenly concerned that Elon’s rockets might hit sharks and hurt them, so they demanded a study. Space X scientists complied because they had to conduct probability studies that the Feds didn’t understand, but the executive summary assured them that the sharks would be fine. They then asked about the Whales; the results were the same. They then directed Elon to kidnap some seals and test what happens if you put headphones on them and blast rocket noises. An experiment that constitutes animal cruelty, which some states prosecute as a felony.
Why the sudden concern about the effect of rocket launches on the coastal seals at Vandenburg Space Force Base? That base has been launching rockets since 1941. It routinely launches rockets so big you can see them from Las Vegas – which I witnessed myself in 2000 during a night training event at the old Frontsight Firearms Training Center. So why does Elon need to torture seals when the base’s business is launching rockets? You know why. Elon must be punished for supporting the Bad Orange Man and revealing the worthless, bloated (but diverse!) NASA to be incompetent, fiscally irresponsible fools
Where is the concern for all the dead whales that have been washing up on the eastern seaboard since 2016? A quick check of Gaslight Central (a.k.a. Google) reveals hundreds of articles about the mass die-off of whales, many of them from the New York Times, that tell us “experts” from the National Marine Fisheries Service have no idea, not one clue, about why this is happening. They do, however, note a healthy percentage of dead whales showed signs of ship strikes. Logic would dictate that ships didn’t suddenly start striking whales in 2016; one would suspect there have always been ship strikes. But using logic and reason when dealing with our federal overlords is now a sign of racism. I know that sounds ridiculous, but here you go – straight from the Wall Street Journal “Good Western Logic as Merely White-Privilege Oppression.

So why the unprecedented die-off? It can’t possibly be the loud, high-decibel sonar emitted by wind industry vessels or the wind industry’s increased boat traffic, which appears to correlate directly with specific whale deaths. How do we know that can’t possibly be the case? CNN and The New York Times say so; they’re the authorities. They also “inform us” that President Trump believes the wind industry is responsible, which they use instead of logic or reason to dismiss the argument out of hand. They think “we the people” are stupid. I think “we the people” are tired of the gaslighting bullshit that passes as informed opinion in The Deep State. It’s time for them to face the consequences of their blatant partisanship and consistent incompetence, and the only way that will happen is by Trump getting a fraud-proof majority at the polls.