The Valley of Miracles

Los Fresnos, Texas, is a small farming hamlet astride State Highway 100, the route to South Padre Island. It is famous for annoying speed traps at either end of the town, where the speed limit on State Highway 100 drops from 65 to 35. Right in the middle of Los Fresnos is a large restaurant/Mexican Bakery called Abby’s Bakery. The owners Leonardo and Nora Báez, started selling homemade pan dulce out of their van on the side of a road in Los Fresnos. They sold their pan dulce from their roadside spot for 18 years before opening a large modern restaurant/bakery.

Last week, ICE raided Abby’s and hauled off every employee for being in the country illegally. They also arrested the Báez’s for harboring illegal workers on their property. The Federales discovered the entire staff lived in a tiny back room stuffed with bunk beds. Yet the owners are not facing charges for tax fraud like the owner of the Charleroi, Pennsylvania, staffing firm busted last week for putting illegal Haitians to work in food processing plants. Stranger still, nobody in the small tight-knit hamlet noticed that illegal migrants were running their favorite Mexican Bakery.

Man on the street interviews by a local TV station revealed local citizens greeted the news with shock and dismay. The citizens who could speak English were not concerned over the exploitation of Mexican workers; they were pissed that the Federales (a.k.a. ICE) were active in their town. I’m not sure what the Spanish speakers were saying but it was probably similar to the pull quote below:

“I’ve come to this bakery since I could drive just to find out that in your local community right around the corner they’re picking up people,” Los Fresnos resident Gordy Aguilar said.”

Do the citizens of Los Fresnos expect their service industry to be staffed by underpaid illegals? Are they not concerned about the social contract being violated by business owners dodging their payroll taxes? One would think the municipal authorities, who are just down the street next to the town rodeo grounds, would frown on this sort of thing, but they make a killing with the speed traps and may not really care.

At this point, the perceptive reader may wonder how a guy selling pan dulce from his van saves enough to open a bakery or restaurant. This raises questions about what kind of credit score a guy selling pan dulce on the side of the road could have. Or how does one raise the collateral to finance a bakery or restaurant from food truck sales? These are not the proper questions; there are hundreds of brand-new Mexican Bakeries just like Abby’s in the Rio Grande Valley, most owned by dudes who started out with a food truck. It’s an economic miracle that polite people ignore because we do not question miracles in the RGV.

Miracles happen constantly on the border, as they do in Mexico. For instance, Bird Flu spared Mexico, so I can buy a dozen eggs for less than a dollar just five miles from my house. If you Google bird flu Mexico you’ll see hundreds of articles from the WHO and legacy media organs claiming Mexico is in the middle of a bird flu epidemic. But they are not killing their chickens, which is keeping their egg prices down. Who are you going to believe? Your own lying eyes or the media?

We also have a powerful shrine to miracles in the RGV that was imported by the freakishly tall, dour Belgian monks of The Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate. They commissioned a copy from a talented Guadalajara artist of the Virgin Mary statue venerated at San Juan de los Lagos. They installed it in the Basilica of the National Shrine of Our Lady of San Juan del Valle. San Juan is next to Pharr, three exits after McAllen on the I-2 Expressway. Now the faithful can visit the shrine to seek miracles for themselves and return home with gallons of holy water, which is provided free of charge at the shrine. Holy water is the one thing nobody has on hand when they need it, so the wise supplicant stores a gallon or two for emergencies.

Manual Molina is talking with Father Hendrik Laenen, a Belgian Oblate priest, who is outside Our Lady of Refuge in Roma, Texas. For over 100 years, the Oblates served the RGV in those black vestments, long before the air conditioning, paved roads, indoor plumbing, etc… Even in this old black and white photograph you sense Father Laenen had a perpetual sunburn. Photo from R.J. Molina

On October 23, 1970, a local flight instructor crashed his single-engine plane onto the roof of the Basilica during Friday Mass. The fifty priests inside the Basilica evacuated in good order, taking all the children from the attached school with them to safety. The only fatality was the pilot, but the Basilica was destroyed in the ensuing flames. Yet the statue of Our Lady of Saint John of the Valle emerged from the wreckage untouched by the flames. That was a true miracle that may have been facilitated by a priest taking the statue with him when they evacuated, but that’s not the point. The faithful do not quibble over annoying details when it comes to miracles.

The Basilica of the National Shrine of Our Lady of San Juan del Valle.

The RGV was ready when the next round of miracles arrived in the form of NAFTA and Federal Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI) grants. NAFTA created thousands of well-paying managerial jobs for Americans commuting to Mexican maquiladoras (manufacturing plants) or working for RGV-based logistic and trucking companies. That brought good money into the Valley but the motherlode was in the HSI grants.

The United States Departments of Agriculture, Education, and Housing and Urban Development have HSI grant programs. The National Science Foundation and the National Institute of Food and Agriculture also have HSI grant programs. The National Aeronautics & Space Administration, Department of Defense, National Endowment for the Humanities, Department of Health and Human Services, Department of Homeland Security, and Department of Transportation also have HSI grant programs. The amount of federal tax dollars that has poured into the RGV through HSI grants is impossible to estimate but easy to see in the form of brand-new schools, hospitals, municipal buildings, and everything local property taxes would cover if you lived in a Gringo community.

As federal tax dollars poured in to build infrastructure, local banks and credit unions financed an explosion of housing developments, apartment buildings, strip malls and automated car washes. The valley banks were founded partly to protect the cash of wealthy Mexicans who craved the dollar’s stability. Mexican capital continues to pour into these institutions, and Mexican investors are also happy to invest in American businesses and real estate. In the past, separating Narco money from legitimate investment pesos was almost impossible given the sophistication of Cartel money laundering schemes. But suddenly the ground has shifted.

Will the Trump administration continue to send Billions of tax dollars to the RGV via the Hydra-headed HSI system? I doubt it. Will unlimited amounts of Mexican investment money continue to flow into the valley? Not if the feds introduce DOGE-style, AI-assisted audits of local banks, hospitals, and construction companies. That level of scrutiny would turn up abnormalities indicating the involvement of cartel money. Our local cartel, the Cártel del Golfo (CDG, Gulf Cartel), has been active in the RGV since prohibition. They have invested billions with the aid of friendly RGV bankers, politicians, and law enforcement, despite the occasional arrest and prosecution of local bigwigs by the federal authorities.

But the amount of Cocaine seized by multiple agencies in the past week in the RGV indicates a new game is afoot. A McAllen woman was busted with 48 pounds of cocaine stuffed in her quarter panels at the Progresso Port of Entry on Monday. An illegal from Mexico living in Mission was found with 26 pounds of coke during a traffic stop the next day and a Brownsville senior citizen tried to get over the Los Indios bridge Mule style with 600k worth of white gold in his old truck. On Wednesday, the Border Patrol found 563 pounds of cocaine at the Sarita checkpoint in Kingsville. The next day a tour bus carrying a mariachi band across the Anzalduas Bridge to their gig in Houston was found to contain 200 pounds of cocaine in a modified gas tank.

This dramatic leap in drug seizures could easily be the result of the increased use of military ISR platforms over Mexico. Ten years ago, I saw how cutting-edge technology could harvest specific targeting information from thin air. That technology has improved significantly and I doubt many people understand the depth of current capabilities. On the other hand, it could be Narcos diming out other Narcos to maneuver for advantage under changing circumstances.

To top off an extraordinary week, President Claudia Sheinbaum pulled off a Narco Mega Extradition, handing over 29 senior leaders from every major Cartel in Mexico to the Department of Justice. Included was Rafel Caro Quintero who will be tried for the 1985 murder of DEA Agent Enrique “Kiki” Camarena. Quintero is facing the death penalty, and before this week, Mexico had refused to extradite any Mexican for prosecution if they faced the death penalty. We are now firmly in uncharted territory.

President Trump won every county in the RGV, but the political and business elite in the Valley are die-hard Democrats. They have not worked through the seven stages of grief over their political irrelevance on the national stage. The local elites thrived on HSI grant money and narco bucks for decades retarding their ability to adapt to the challenges of an America-first future. Inshallah, the federales will come to the valley and start untangling the mess created by billions of narco bucks and poorly supervised (if not fraudulent) HSI grant monies. If they do, there is going to be hell to pay, and for once, the hard-working normies who elected President Trump will not be the ones footing the bill. And that, given what we have endured for the past eight years, would be a miracle.

Charity is a Racket

The Catholic Relief Charities scam has finally gained the attention of the legacy media. Not for the billions of federal tax dollars they have been given but a video from Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee on how to avoid ICE detention.  Lawyer Barb Graham made the video, and she opens with the following:  

“All people living in the United States, including people who are undocumented, have certain rights under the United States Constitution,” 

That is total bull-Schiff. Illegal aliens have no constitutional rights because they are not citizens of the United States. But that’s not the issue that the public has focused on; it’s the 2.9 Billion taxpayer dollars that FJB gave the charities sex-traffic women and children on behalf of Mexican drug cartels. But this tawdry situation was remedied this morning by the Secretary of Homeland Security, who cut all government funding to NGOs and religious charities that have been making bank on trafficking illegal migrants. The government is not known for the timely payment of invoices, and I doubt those currently being processed will be paid.

Homeland Security Secretary Kristi Noem is heading out into the wilds of New York City, leading ICE raids. After this demonstration of competent leadership, she returned to DC and cut all the funding to the NGOs who have facilitated four years of open border madness. Photo from Reuters January 28, 2025

Catholic Charities is a tax-exempt charity, which means we can see its financials on Charity Navigator. Charity Navigator loves Catholic Charities, designating them a 100% four-star charity. But there is an obvious discrepancy in the financials. A 2021 ProPublica audit of Catholic Charities USA concluded:

The group’s local affiliates were taking in a total of nearly $2.9 billion annually from the government — representing about 62% of its $4.67 billion annual revenue.

Charity Navigator lists Catholic Charities USA’s 2021 revenue as 50 million. ProPublica contends it was 4.67 Billion. Clearly, shenanigans are happening at Charity Navigator, which is a shame; I once trusted that site. But who cares about Charity Navigator? I’d like to know how Catholic Charities accounts for the disbursement of 4.67 billion dollars. That is a mountain of money; there is a slim chance that Catholic Charities can account for it.

These are Catholic Charities financials on the Charity Navigator website.
These are the federal tax dollars given to Catholic Charities according to the website

Catholic Charities USA President Kerry Robinson issued a statement yesterday saying:

“The millions of Americans who rely on this life-giving support will suffer due to the unprecedented effort to freeze federal aid supporting these programs,”

Even more bull-Schiff that reveals the profound disconnect between words and action in the “humanitarian” space. It is clear from the actions of Catholic Charities that they are not concerned with the plight of poor Americans. If they were, they would not be facilitating the influx of tens of millions of dirt-poor, unskilled migrants who are controlled, exploited and abused by the drug cartels who trafficked them across the border. These migrants will drive down wages, drive up crime and housing while straining public schools and other municipal resources. All of these follow on effects impact working class Americans, not the elites who head tax exempt charities or billion dollar NGO’s.

Catholic Charities RGV is closed in McAllen, and now that Section 212(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act has been invoked, every illegal the Border Patrol catches is bounced back across the border the same day.

So what motivates the “humanitarians” of Catholic Charities USA? It’s not caring for the poor . . . obviously. They may have a few under-resourced programs for the poverty-stricken in the Rio Grande Valley, but the FJB administration wasn’t paying them billions to spend on poor American citizens. That money was to facilitate a massive flow of unvetted aliens from 130 different countries who will draw massive resources away from the American citizens who needed it the most. Using dirt-poor migrants to enrich well-heeled, connected democrat cronies is not something the American taxpayer should tolerate, let alone fund.

Catholic Church and NFWA Hit Hard by Closed Border

The flow of illegal migrants using the CBP One app to claim asylum has ended in the Rio Grande Valley sector. There are still people crossing who want to avoid detection, like the Russian mercenary with $4,000 and a drone in his backpack who was caught in Roma two weeks ago. But the constant flow of illegals from around the world who used the CBP One app to claim asylum after jumping the border has ceased.

The day President Trump declared the border a national emergency, I took a tour of the usual Border Patrol collection points along the McAllen/Mission area of the Rio Grande River. No buses were picking up recently arrived illegals, the Border Patrol presence was light, and the border was quiet. Anzalduas Park, which is on the River, has closed again and is now being used to launch and recover the law enforcement boats supporting Operation Lone Star.

Anzalduas Park is closed again

Anzalduas Park was closed before when the Catholic Charities RGV ran out of hotel rooms to rent for COVID-19-positive illegals. to “quarantine themselves before being flown or bussed into the country under the FJB catch and release policy. The thousands of illegals pouring across the border who were not positive were stashed under the Anzalduas Bridge, which connects McAllen to Reynosa, Mexico.

These are new, and I saw a few more stationed at crossroads near the border fence. This is at the junction of FM 494 and the dirt road leading to La Lomita Chapel
La Lomita Chapel is on the other side of the levee. The Border Patrol

The restored Capilla De La Lomita is a few hundred meters inland from Anzalduas Park and once served as an important way station on the old Brownsville to Roma trail. The La Lomita (little hill) chapel was built in 1865 by The Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate (Oblates) from the new Archdiocese in Galveston. The pioneer priests of the Oblates were Belgian missionaries who learned Spanish and used Capilla De La Lomita as a headquarters to service four other chapels and seventy-five ranches from Brownsville to Roma. The Oblates were a fixture in the Rio Grande Valley for over a century, but they are long gone, replaced by Catholic Charities RGV, which the Brownsville Archdiocese sponsors.

Capilla De La Lomita

The Oblates were poor missionaries who dedicated their lives to serving the people of the Rio Grande Valley. Catholic Charities RGV may provide services to the poor in the Rio Grande Valley, but their focus is servicing the tens of thousands of illegals who have poured over the border during the last four years. Catholic Charities RGV is essentially a government contractor that has spent millions of taxpayer dollars on hotel rooms, bus and airplane tickets, meals, and clothing. The Catholic church has gone from sending missionaries to care for the poor to aiding and abetting the exploitation of the poor by supporting the human and sex trafficking of Mexican Narcos.

Manual Molina talking with Father Hendrik Laenen, a Belgian Oblate priest, outside Our Lady of Refuge in Roma, Texas, between 1956 and 1960. Photo from R.J. Molina

One of the reasons President Trump won every border county in Texas was his promise to lock down the border. Allowing millions of unvetted migrants into the country hurts the working class, and most of the Hispanic residents of the border are working class. Why the Catholic Church has prioritized big fat government contracts to house and transport illegal immigrants who will drive down wages and drive up crime among the people they are supposed to be serving is a mystery. However, my experience with government contracts is that the people who win and manage them in the NGO world are handsomely compensated.

In the early 1960s, a poorly compensated  Mexican American civil rights activist, Cesario Estrada Chávez, started the National Farm Workers Association (NFWA). Chavez used the NFWA to raise wages and improve working conditions for farm workers. Once Chávez successfully unionized farm workers who became an implacable foe of illegal immigration. In 1989, César Chávez & Dolores Huerta founded La Unión del Pueblo Entero (LUPE) to lobby for farm workers in the Rio Grande Valley. Farm workers in the Rio Grande Valley have always included Mexican-based harvesting crews, so I assume his view on wetbacks had moderated when he arrived in the RGV.

This is not a popular cause in the RGV. Inflicting drag queens on local children without their parent’s expressed consent would be suicidal. The number of parents who would support this is ridiculously low.

The second of Robert Conquest’s three laws of politics states: “Any organization not explicitly and constitutionally right-wing will sooner or later become left-wing. ‘ That law has always proved true in my experience, which explains why LUPE is now focused on open borders, all-ages drag shows, PRIDE celebrations, and anti-Trump protests.

In the RGV, when a girl turns 15, we put her in a ball gown and spend thousands of dollars on a Quinceanera for her. Who needs drag queens when your 15-year-old girls dress like this?

While I was driving around the border, Taylor Cramer from RGV Truth was covering a LUPE inauguration day protest in McAllen’s Archer Park. His pictures capture exactly why this group is so marginalized. They are clearly unable to understand why Donald Trump won every county on the Texas border. They, like the democratic senators trying to derail Trump’s cabinet picks, cannot read the room. They do not understand why their divisive rhetoric and anti-American propaganda do not resonate with normal Americans. To prove that point, LUPE is the first RGV-based organization I have heard of using “Latinx” in their advertising.

Not a large turnout in a town that President Trump carried in a landslide. These people are no longer relevant in Rio Grande Valley, which is exploding with jobs, young families, and the opportunity provided by solid jobs for the middle class.

Latinx is not a popular neologism with my Hispanic neighbors, who use proficiency with the Spanish language as a more reliable gauge of who is and is not “Hispanic.” If you have blond hair and blue eyes and speak perfect Castillian Spanish, you’re not just Hispanic but upper-caste Hispanic. If you are a third-generation Hispanic kid who doesn’t speak Spanish, you’re essentially a white dude. This is a drawn-out way of demonstrating that looks don’t matter in the Rio Grande Valley, and nobody here appreciates divisive terms like “Latinx.”

Giving away free condoms and lube is not how you win friends or influence people in the Rio Grande Valley. LUPE should have followed the example set by our Jewish neighbors and set up free food, a petting zoo, and kiddie rides in the park.

Our national nightmare has ended with the nationwide repudiation of the progressive woke agenda. Yet the progressive left is still aligned with the thoroughly discredited global elite who continue to loot the peace while increasing income inequality. LUPE receives funding from the Soros Open Society Foundation, which claims to promote democratic practices as well as equity and justice. But not justice for the farmers, ranchers, and families of the Rio Grande Valley. The Open Society wants justice for the illegals who trespass on our property, trash our fields, cut our fences, steal our pets, and threaten our children.

Operation Lonestar is popular in the RGV but not with George Soros’s Open Societies Institute, which now funds LUPE. The thought that people should “migrate freely” is insane and not supported by normie Americans. Photograph courtesy of RGV Truth

LUPE and Catholic Charities RGV have no problem aiding and abetting the sex trafficking of women and children. They know that nobody comes across the Rio Grande River without paying the cartels, and they know how the cartels collect from women and children. Donations from the local church congregations do not fund LUPE or Catholic Charities RGV; our tax dollars fund them, as do international open-border organizations. These malignant RGV-based organizations will contract and shift focus after President Trump locks down the border. Maybe they’ll start serving the residents of the RGV instead of the illegals, who have been their sole focus for the past four years.

A Bittersweet Veterans Day

Election Day was long and busy as I was the judge for the Cayetano Cavazos Elementary School polling station. This is a blue county, and I was appointed an election judge because I was one of the few Republicans who volunteered to work the polls. Shout out to the Vet the Vote organization, which is where I got the idea to volunteer. Regardless of political affiliation, the people working this election were professional, conscientious, and pleasant to be around. It was a fantastic experience.

Throughout election day, I was asked if I was a veteran, and when I confirmed I was a retired Marine, I was thanked for my service. That made me uncomfortable because our failure to win the Global War on Terrorism has left this country in much greater peril than it was in 2001. Not only did we do exactly what Osama bin Ladin predicted, which was to fight a long war we could never win, only to withdraw in humiliating disgrace. But we degraded our military capabilities and are now ruining the fighting spirit of the fighting men at the pointed end of the spear.

Our military is a broken, demoralized joke that cannot meet its recruiting or retention goals. When I enlisted in the Navy in 1978, the military was considered a hollow force, but that force was full of mean bastards who could fight. And we had the ships, combat aircraft, and officer corps required to take those rowdy misfits into a fight and crush any other adversary in the world. Now, we have a diverse force with women in the infantry and trans moralism making a mockery of the profession of arms. We no longer have the sea lift or aircraft to meet our peacetime obligations, let alone fight a peer-level war.

Battalion Landing Team 1/9 exercising in Australia during the summer of 1987. The Marine Corps can no longer insert and sustain a battalion in the field from Amphibious shipping. A task that was routine when I was on active duty. Photograph of 2ndLt Lynch and my radioman LCpl Kline courtesy of Marines magazine.

Our Navy has shrunk to the point it can no longer control the busiest shipping lane in the world. Instead of using the Red Sea, commercial ships are now re-routed around the horn of Africa, adding 3500 nautical miles to their transit, which takes 12 extra days and a million extra fuel dollars per trip. The Navy can only field 12 Amphibious ships worldwide because a former Marine Corps Commandant reduced the number of amphibious ships the Navy was required to maintain from 38 to 31. He did this to free up money for the Navy to build a new class of ships called Landing Ship Medium, which would support his Force Design 2030 plan. Those ships have not been designed, funded, or built and will never be because of this harsh rebuke from the Congressional Research Service over the ludicrous FD 2030 concept.

The Navy/Marine Corps team can no longer perform the missions they have been assigned for the past 85 years. Now that President Trump is returning, Congress suddenly has buyer’s remorse for agreeing to the radical reorganization it allowed under the commandants Berger and Smith. This article by a former mentor to officers of my generation, Colonel Gary Anderson, USMC (Ret), sums up the state of play well. I’m pasting his last two paragraphs below because they describe exactly how we ended up with a broken Marine Corps.

There are two types of incompetents, active and passive. Active incompetents don’t know they are incompetent. They are dangerous because they don’t know they are incompetent. They are dangerous because they act on the zany ideas. Passive incompetents know that they don’t know what they are doing. They are dangerous because they tend to defer to the active incompetents.

Berger and Smith are active incompetents. Biden and Congress have been passive incompetents. Shame on them. If Congress acted today to repair the Navy and Marine Corps and return it back to 2018 capabilities, it would take at least a decade to recover. Our civilian leaders were sold snake oil, and the rubes bought it.

Those same rubes are now plotting to undermine President-elect Trump. These are the same people who had no problem abandoning Bagram airbase when FJB arbitrarily and recklessly cut the troop numbers in Afghanistan. Without Bagram, there was no way to extricate ourselves from Afghanistan in an orderly manner. Everyone (not inside the Pentagon) who knew anything about Afghanistan recognized that total abdication of service stewardship. The resulting fiasco in Kabul was as easy to predict as it was uncomfortable to watch.

General Furness and Mac hosting me for the 2011 Marine Corps Birthday at Camp Dwyer in the southern Helmand province

However, all is not lost because these two fighting generals, LtGen Dave Furness, USMC (Ret) and MajGen Dale Alford, USMC (Ret), who know how to train and lead Marines, may have been sidelined, but they are not forgotten. They are featured in this All Marine Radio podcast that dropped yesterday, and listening to them is a tonic for the souls of concerned military professionals. It is worth listening to if you (like me) are alarmed by the current state of our military and think the current crop of general officers are a collection of sycophantic yes-men. LtGen Furness tells me the other services still have talent hidden in their flag officer ranks, too, which is remarkable given the ongoing war on competence being waged by DoD diversity/equity mandarins.

I made the mistake of listening to this while lifting weights and damn near broke my back when LTGen Furness popped off with, “I’m just happy somebody gives a shit about what I have to say.” Listening to two of the best generals of my generation will instill some much-needed confidence in today’s broke-ass military.

Have a Happy Veterans Day, and let us hope the incoming Trump administration taps these two retired generals or others just like them to resuscitate our broken, demoralized military.

Here Comes the Judge

As I’ve grown older and wiser, I still haven’t wised up about joking with dated material. Last year, when physical therapists were torturing me after shoulder surgery, I would start to sing Roxanne, hoping they would stop the torture for some red light therapy. The PT techs had no idea what I was talking about. They had never heard of The Police or their hit song, Roxanne. They ignored my suggestions about using Red Light Therapy, preferring a more active, painful physical approach. For that, I’m grateful. My shoulder has healed nicely, and I’m back in the gym almost daily because I don’t have anything better to do.

Except during the election season because I volunteered to be an Election Judge. Here Comes the Judge is America’s first Meme and was a staple of the old Rowman and Martins Laugh-In show, which was popular in the late 60’s. It’s the first thing I thought of when a Hidalgo County Election Supervisor I call Neo, called me to ask if I’d like to be a judge instead of a poll worker. Neo isn’t the supervisor’s real name, but he only communicates to me through texts, which for some reason seem Matrix-like.

Democrats have the media, academia, the billionaires, the Yellow Generals, and the Deep State. We have the memes

I volunteered for election duty, hoping it would instill some long-lost confidence in our civic governance. I am terrified that the Democrats will steal this election, which, given the disaster of the Biden-Harris years, seems impossible. I live in the Rio Grande Valley, which has long been a Democratic stronghold but is now firmly Trump territory, given his massive appeal to working and middle-class Hispanic men. So, I was interested in seeing how the votes would be tabulated and if there was a chance for voter fraud or other shenanigans.

One of the many things to be thankful for is not seeing this kind of BS ever again. Propaganda is designed to demoralize, and nothing demoralizes me more than seeing a nitwit LARPing on the taxpayer’s dime.

We don’t have dominion voting machines in the valley; we use Verity Duo voting machines with touchscreen voting that produce paper ballots. Those ballots are then scanned into a separate Duo machine that is not connected to the internet or the voting machines and then end up in a locked ballot box that can only be opened at the county election office. The system seems as fraud-proof as one could make it because the paper ballots are the only thing that counts, and if the hand count varies from the scanner count, then all hell breaks loose at the county election headquarters.

The Hispanic voters in the Rio Grande Valley overwhelmingly support the Catholic Church and are not amused by Dem anti-catholic propaganda. This idiot woman cost Harris votes.

The only organized election fraud in the Rio Grande Valley comes from Politiqueras. These are teams of vote harvesters funded by Democrats that prey on the older Hispanic population in regional colonias, nursing homes, or adult daycare centers. This year, the Texas Office of the Attorney General’s Election Integrity Division is actively hunting these ballot harvesters, so I do not believe they can inject enough bogus ballots into the system to make any difference.

The Hunter Biden laptop disinformation campaign by our so-called intelligence agencies was clearly election interference, and those responsible should be held to account. But they won’t because you know why.

In Texas, there is no electioneering within 100 feet of a polling place, including clothing supporting a specific candidate or political party. I have yet to see a voter show up with a MAGA hat, and I doubt that it will be a problem if one does. Nobody mistakes me for a Harris supporter, and I’m so damn cheerful I doubt anyone will argue with me when I ask that the hat be removed while they vote. The only issue I have had is with college-aged women who want to document everything they do with their cell phones. The dad in me wants to plead with them to wear more clothes because they tend to be grossly overweight. But I simply ask they refrain from taking photographs in the voting area and they pout but put the phones away. There are no policemen assigned to our polling location, and there is no need for them. The voting public in the RGV is friendly, happy, and content with the integrity of the county voting system.

In order to be a serious country with a functioning military and state department, this kind of bullshit has to stop.

I’ve been checking in voters, and it has been a delightful experience. Voters step up to my table and present their driver’s license. I enter the first four letters of the last name, the first three of their first name, and their date of birth. Their name and address appear 98% of the time, indicating they are registered to vote. A label printer attached to my laptop prints off their name and address, and I paste that into my voters’ log, ask them to verify everything is correct, and sign. A second label contains a bar code that the Verity Duo scan machine reads, which then spits out a six-digit code for use at the ballot machines. The voter enters that code and votes, and when finished, the machine spits out a printed ballot with the voter’s name and information and the votes they have cast.

I remain concerned about voter irregularities throwing the election to the worst Presidential candidate I have ever seen. I am also worried that the deep state will not step aside and accept the will of the American people when they vote President Trump back into office. But I am glad I volunteered to work this election because it restored my faith in my fellow citizens and local government. I doubt I’ll ever have the same degree of confidence in the federal government, but four years of Trump and JD Vance would be a good start.

Orange Tigers, Yellow Generals and Daryl Cooper

The Reynosa tiger has, unfortunately, been captured on our side of the Rio Grande. I thought that it had most likely been stolen by one of the cartels but I was wrong. Although it entered the river opposite the Junk Yard Bar in Granjeno it was driven west by the border walls (not hard to predict) and probably exited the border wall belt at the Bensten State Park. The cat then worked the scrub lands making a beeline for Star County where there are plenty of cattle and scores of wild Ocelots. It was trapped outside the hamlet of Los Longoria most likely by Texas Game Wardens. It will probably be returned to the Quinta La Fauna Zoo which, given Mexico’s international ranking of #3 for animal abuse is a crime against nature, but property rights, not animal rights, animates our legal system so I suspect there is little choice in the matter.

If the tiger had made it across expressway 83 he would have been home free in Star County

I have been asked by several of my former Marine Corps associates how I could support President Trump after his competency, executive skills, and temperament were called into question by the four-star Marine Corps and Army Generals who worked for him. The answer is as simple as it is infuriating, they dumped on Trump only because it was well inside the Overton Window of our failed intelligentsia and its rent-seeking nomenklatura. Those four-star conformists would have never, in a million years, done the same to Obama, Clinton, or Biden because that would jeopardize their access to the riches showered upon the upper echelons of our ruling class. It doesn’t matter that Obama’s surge with its announced end date was exactly the kind of White House incompetence that they railed against as junior field grade officers. It doesn’t matter that they despised Willy BJ when he was in the White House for his gross sexual assault on an unpaid intern. If you asked about the disparity in power between a sitting president and an unpaid intern, which is the modern definition of rape, their answer would be it’s time to move on.

The last time I saw two of those generals (Allen and Mattis) in person was in the CENTCOM headquarters in Tampa, where I had been summoned to explain how The Pentagon’s Private Spy Ring worked. I worked for General Allen when he was a major and knew him well, I met General Mattis only once when on active duty and did not know him at all. The Pentagon had cut ties with us after the second New York Times front-page fake news article about the ring. So our founder, retired CIA legend Dewey Clarridge, started a password-protected website, put our intelligence there, and gave the password to selected journalists and members of the House. They saw, in real-time the cost of ignoring our intel when suicide bombers hit ISAF exactly where and when we said they would. They saw how quickly we found the kidnappers responsible for grabbing two sailors who had mistakenly driven into Wardak province and then witnessed the consequences of ignoring our offer to mediate when the surviving sailor was killed. His kidnappers panicked when ISAF flooded the province with soldiers. exactly what we predicted would happen.

In August of 2008, my cell (the Willi cell) sent this to Dewey Clarridge and told him Osama bin Ladin was living there. That’s how good we were at the intel game, making us an existential threat to the regime intelligence apparatus, who drove a stake into us via their useful idiots in the media.*

I thought that Generals Allan and Mattis would be thrilled at having an effective human intelligence operation up and running inside Afghanistan and Pakistan, but I thought wrong. Winning was not on their agenda, pleasing Obama was their priority, so the last thing they wanted was an effective HUMINT network gumming up the works as they focused on a hasty retreat mandated by a nitwit of a president. Criticism of Obama was outside the Overton Window of the movers and shakers in Washington, DC. The yellow generals would claim they were respecting the office, not the man, but that changed instantly when the Bad Orange Man was in office. Trump represented the same threat to the political class that our Eclipse Group presented to the CIA so the rules about deportment around a sitting president suddenly changed allowing the yellow generals to use their prestige to kneecap him.

Yet it turned out Donald J Trump had good instincts when exercising the office of the presidency. He called out our NATO allies for underfunding their defense while expecting us to fight for them. He made this country an energy exporter driving costs down with cheap oil and natural gas. He closed the border and instituted a stay-in-place policy that made a dent in the sexual exploration of children being trafficked across our southern border. And he salvaged the Supreme Court by installing a couple of almost conservative justices. The “chaotic, unfocused, undisciplined” Trump White House was a godsend compared to the disaster we have been living through ever since FJB waddled his corrupt ass into the Oval Office – and not a word from the four-star high-functioning conformists who were more than happy to trash Trump.

Biden and Harris intentionally abdicated their responsibility to secure our borders which is one of the basic functions of government. Now we have armed gangs from Tren de Aragua taking over buildings in Aurora and Chicago. Towns like Springfield Ohio are being colonized by thousands of feral Haitians who lack the ability or intentions of assimilation while establishing their enclaves from which they can raid the public parks for ducks and swans to eat. The incompetent city leaders of those unfortunate locals mimic their federal overlords by lying about these situations until too many social media posts pile up to ignore. The Regime media, as usual, labeled these reports as unverified rumors until evidence of their veracity became undeniable.

Fact check – there is no credible evidence (according to the legacy media) that your lying eyes are telling you the truth – Haitians eating local park waterfowl have been “debunked” despite police audio proving it’s true. There is a video of police arresting Haitian woman for eating her neighbors cat but that too is a figment of your imagination according to our gas lighting media.

The invasion of millions of illegals comes with a worsening competency crisis in every nook and cranny of the federal government. We watch in stunned silence as our tax monies are wasted, we can’t staff our military, we can’t recover stranded astronauts without the help of private contractors, we can no longer even build a temporary pier, and we are incapable of holding transparent, fair elections. The basic roles of government are being ignored leading to a deep and pervasive legitimacy crisis for the Regime. Challenging the consensus on which the Regime based it’s post World War II identity is a new line of attack on their legitimacy which explains why the Regime and their adjuncts on social media freaked out over the Tucker Carlson interview of Darryl Cooper.

The Shibboleths of the progressive left, feminism, egalitarianism, DEI, tabula rasa, and anti-white racism do not square with how things work in the world. Darryl Cooper and those who understand how reality operates are now free to fire broadsides into fake progressive media narratives without repercussions. Instead of being destroyed by the ensuing hysteria from the White House, Regime media, (and the Powerline blog), he is now the number one downloaded podcaster in every category on every podcast hosting site in the world. That would not have been the case five short years ago indicating a major shift to the right of the Overton Window.

Everyone wants to believe they would be this guy if they came of age in 1930’s Germany. Based on his work I think Daryl Cooper is the only person I know who could claim this title. The rest of us … not so much.

Alternative media podcasters should be able to argue that a morbidly obese alcoholic who worked from his bed all morning may not have been that great a man without automatically being labeled an anti-semite or holocaust denier. But being labeled by the left no longer matters. The regime media can engage in the fact-free sliming of opponents as right-wing extremists all they want but when every person not down with their agenda is labeled a “right-wing extremist,” the words have lost their meaning. This explains why the American media is no longer trusted or believed by any adult proficient at exercising their own reasoned choices.

* The full story of the Eclipse Group will be found in the new book Free Ranging Afghanistan scheduled for publication in the summer of 2025.

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