President Trump Responds to the Water War . . . But

Maybe it’s a coincidence, but just days after I posted on our current water war with Mexico, President Trump responded decisively by cutting American water to Tijuana. This is a very strange development because the Mexicans have not met their 1948 treaty obligations since 1948. Once a year or so, Texas politicians issue a hysterical la proclamación threatening to withhold building permits until Mexico coughs up some of the water we are owed. In the past, this allowed the captured media to portray the matter in whatever light their democratic overlords told them. These days, it allows sharp bloggers to bring up yet another indecency we decent Americans are facing, thanks to progressive globalists. But that’s where the issue is supposed to end – expecting Washington, DC, to do something about it would be like pulling a diamond out of a goat’s ass.

Yet here it is, as explained in this statement from the Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs:

“Mexico’s continued shortfalls in its water deliveries under the 1944 water-sharing treaty are decimating American agriculture — particularly farmers in the Rio Grande valley Valley” the bureau said. “As a result, today, for the first time, the U.S. will deny Mexico’s non-treaty request for a special delivery channel for Colorado River water to be delivered to Tijuana.”

I had never heard of the Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs, but I had to correct their statement. They had the valley in Rio Grande Valley in lowercase and were missing a comma. Not bad for government work, but I’d love to see DOGE go to work on their books for one reason. Whatever the mission of the Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs was when it was formed, it is not its mission now. Bureaucracies, by their nature, grow and expand, losing focus over time, but they aren’t of nature, so they have no predators to keep their numbers down and personnel in fighting trim. To be healthy, federal bureaucracies should periodically be ruthlessly scoured by DOGE autodidacts who test low for the empathy character trait.

It is also worth noting that the attached story credits Senator Cruz for alerting the President to this sorry situation and not the Free Range International Blog. This is probably true, but the timing is suspect, given my last post. Still, I’m amazed that the President acted on something that the federal government has studiously ignored for 78 years. It’s morning in America again! What could possibly go wrong now that we have an awesome president getting things done? And then I saw this:

The 6th generation F-47 can expect cost overruns, production delays, and fatal performance glitches that will be worked out after it has been fielded—just like every other modern jet fighter we have built in my lifetime.

President Trump and Secretary of Defense Pete Hegseth bragging about the Next Generation Air Dominance (NGAD) platform, which is designated the F-47. There is no better example of Pentagon gold plating inefficiency than acquiring next-generation military aircraft. I thought President Trump, with the able assistance of Secretary Hegseth, was going to trim down and toughen up our military. Their counterrevolution against the pathology of wokeness and political correctness in the military has been impressive. But another massive investment in a “next-generation” manned fighter is a depressing signal that the status quo with our military-industrial complex will continue unimpeded by logic or fiscal responsibility.

The F-47 is the replacement for the F-22 Raptor, which was supposed to replace the F-15 platform. However, we still have lots of F-15s because the F-22 was a nightmare for the Air Force. Only 186 of the 750 F-22s anticipated by the Air Force were delivered, and only 130 of those aircraft were operational. The number of F-22s in service today is classified but suspected to be in the double digits.

Why are these people being trusted to build a sixth-generation air dominance fighter?

We cannot build F-22s anymore because much of that industry was retooled to produce the F-35, another super high-speed ‘next-generation’ jet plagued by reliability, maintainability, and availability problems. The cost of the F-35 program has soared past 2 Trillion Dollars. It is a flying computer that requires periodic updates and modernization that significantly reduces sortie rates. Additionally, the F-35’s current engine and thermal management systems must be fixed. But the Department of Defense hasn’t figured out how these repairs will be accomplished. So we don’t know how much this will add to the 1.6 trillion dollar projected sustainability costs.  

It’s hard to believe that the F-47 program won’t face the same challenges, but for what benefit? To have the best air dominance platform in the world? We already possess that capability with our few dozen remaining F-22 Raptors. No hostile Air Force in the world can”dominate” the F-15EX, which the F-22 was supposed to replace. Israel could give the Air Force fits on its home turf, but they are friends, not foes.

Speaking of Israel, its F-35 fleet performed flawlessly against Iran’s sophisticated air defense systems. And speaking of F-35s, the Marine Corps paired theirs with Kratos XQ-58A Valkyrie unmanned drones under the “loyal wingman” concept. We currently have the stealth capability married to drones that can defeat any air defense system in the world. The question isn’t why we need a new-generation jet fighter but why we would invest Trillions in developing a new manned air dominance fighter.

I’m not sure these are the people we want building passenger planes, let alone stealth fighters

There may be a logical explanation for the F-47, but we won’t know what it could be until somebody tells us what it is designed to do. Online speculation about its size, shape, and capabilities is all over the map but can be summed up as more lethality, speed, greater range, and additional (undefined) weapons. Every new “air dominance higher” is supposedly more lethal and faster, with longer legs and increased sortie rates due to decreased maintenance cycles. Yet, the exact opposite always proves to be the case.

And we are now supposed to believe that Boeing will deliver this plane on time, on budget, and without a long list of expensive, nearly insolvable problems? Boeing? Are you joking me? What are the chances this plane will be in production and operational by the end of President Trump’s term as currently planned? I say zero. What are the chances that Boeing will deliver this aircraft on budget? Who knows? The price and capabilities of this plane remain classified; we’ll never know how much the program will cost over budget.

Do you believe Boeing will build the F-47 in under four years?

The plane has been designated the F-47 to honor our 47th President, Donald J. Trump, and that’s the kind of bullshit that should have caused instant program termination. Hegseth and Musk are supposed to protect Trump from swamp creatures adept at appealing to the great man’s vanity. Elon Musk called the F-35 design “shit” and derided the “idiots” making the fifth-generation stealth fighter. He met with SecDef Hegseth just before the F-47 announcement and has remained mum on the topic. The SecDef had the appropriate level of gravitas for the situation, but comfort with this new unfunded liability was hard to read.

Gravitas is a word that became common during Bill Clinton’s administration. The paid corporate media used it to describe Clinton when he got that deer-in-the-headlights look while telling what we now know to be bald-faced lies. It is obvious that Secretary Hegseth and his public relations shop will need some serious gravitas to navigate the disaster they unleashed by greenlighting a program they did not have the time to review or understand. The future suddenly does not look so bright, and getting a few more hundred thousand acre-feet of water from Mexico will not change that.

Water Wars are Bad, Lawyers are Worse.

State Senator Juan “Chuy” Hinojosa (D-McAllen) has introduced a resolution to encourage the U.S. State Department to ensure Mexico starts delivery of water to Texas as outlined in the 1944 International Boundary and Water Commission (IBWC). Mexico is supposed to provide at least 350,000 acre-feet of water per year, but they are currently about five years in arrears. It’s not like the government of Mexico can do much about the shortfall; they don’t control the border area or the water flowing into the Rio Grande River, and Texas won’t negotiate with drug cartels. Chuy warned: “The reality is that even commercially, the growth of the Valley is being stunned because we cannot issue any more builder’s permits because there’s no water.”

Water levels at the Falcon Dam in Starr County are dangerously low. Last week, a panel of Texas senators approved a resolution asking the U.S. State Department to force Mexico to send the state water it is owed. (Credit: Michael Gonzalez for The Texas Tribune)

Senator Hinojosa, who is quick to remind anyone who asks and many who don’t that he’s a former Marine, didn’t really mean the local municipalities are no longer issuing building permits; that would be crazy. He was using hyperbole to explain why Mexican real estate investments may experience anemic growth unless the cartels stop bogarting the water from the Rio Grande. It is an interesting sentiment that will have no impact on the current water woes of the Rio Grande Valley. A couple of large tropical storms would be useful in making up the backlog. But, hurricanes have decreased in intensity and frequency since the 1990s, so Mother Nature has little chance to make up for the Mexican water shortfall.

Graphic from Tu, S., Hu, Z., Liang, M. et al. The decreasing trend in the destructive potential of tropical cyclones in the South Indian Ocean since the mid-1990s.

The real threat to financial prosperity for the constituents of State Senator Juan Hinojosa is men like Juan Hinojosa. Chuy was the quarterback for his Mission High School football team, did a stint in the Marine Corps, came home, got his bachelor’s degree from UTRGV (Pan Am University at the time), and then went to Georgetown, where he earned a law degree.  It’s the law degree that makes him dangerous. To be fair to Chuy, he did not return to the Valley, obtain a vanity business phone number like (444) 444-4444, flood the television with ads making him look like a Top Gun pilot while promising anyone, anywhere, who was hurt in an accident that he will get them a large payday in court.

Chuy Hinojosa used his good looks and Horatio Alger-style rags-to-riches story to get into South Texas Democratic machine politics, which is statistically much more lucrative than ambulance chasing. The Democratic machine endeavors to bring excessive amounts of federal tax money into the valley, so despite their many and manifest wealth-accumulating grifts, we view them as a net positive.

But tort lawyers cost Texans 38 Billion Dollars a year, which negatively impacts much more than insurance rates. The Lone Star Alliance, representing over 950 Texas job creators, citizens, and business associations, recently explained the costs of bogus lawsuits:

“Inflationary and litigation costs have decreased the availability of insurance for individuals and businesses in Texas and have forced some businesses to increase prices, lay off employees, or close. Small businesses are burdened with soaring insurance premiums that jeopardize their survival, while the constant wave of lawsuits drives up the costs of essential items like food and medical care.”

I became interested in this topic one year after my wife was hit while pulling out of a parking space at the local HEB. There was no damage to my truck, but considerable damage to her left rear quarter panel. The woman who hit her couldn’t speak English but waited patiently for the police to show up and issue a report blaming the other driver. A year later, my insurance company contacted me about a personal injury resulting from the collision. They instructed me to send any correspondence concerning the settlement to them, which caused me to call and ask them why they were using the word “settle.” They, in turn, informed me that the settlement amount is classified.

My insurance company was founded by former military officers who recognized that the new media is like artillery: it adds dignity to what would otherwise be a vulgar brawl. As is typical of military officers, they classify everything that might embarrass them, so I’ll never know how much the deadbeat who hit my wife got away with. But I’m doing my bit by raising the alarm about the costs of tolerating shifty border lawyers and their plague of nuisance lawsuits.

Suddenly the CIA is Competent?

This morning America awoke to the news that the CIA had run down and arrested the man responsible for the Abbey Gate bombing. The new CIA director said he called Pakistan’s Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) and told them a man named Mohammad Sharifullah (aka Jabar) was inside the Northwest Frontier or the Federally Administered Tribal Areas or hanging out near Chitral – somewhere on the border that Pakistan barely controls. He claimed Jabar was the man behind the Abbey Gate bombing, so the ISI and CIA launched a raid, captured him and brought him back to the USA to face justice.

ISIS terrorist Mohammad Sharifullah arriving in the USA last night. ISISK is turning into a problem for both Afghanistan and Pakistan, and it is a safe bet that this dude deserves everything he has coming. But it is hard to believe he set up the Abbey Gate attack having just been released from the Bagram jail

The chances that this story is true are not high for the following reasons:

  1. The last time the CIA went after the “man responsible for Abbey Gate” they killed a Kabul-based NGO worker along with a carload of women and children. At the time the morbidly obese Chairman of the Joint Chiefs said it was a “righteous strike” before being forced to admit they killed ten innocent civilians.
  2. The ability of the CIA to gather accurate intelligence inside of Pakistan or Afghanistan was compromised by the ISI, who took our money, gave it to the Taliban, and forced-fed target lists to the CIA, which benefited Pakistan – not America
  3. The ISI is and always has been an enemy and they proved that with 20 years of interference and lying.
  4. The CIA was so incompetent that the military started their own private spy network, which identified dozens of lucrative targets in Pakistan that the military serviced with their drones. That enraged the Pakistan ISI who threatened to throw the CIA out of the country if we didn’t stop hitting targets they had not been nominated or approved.
  5. The military private spy ring identified OBL’s Abbottabad compound in 2008 and even sent the architectural drawings to their boss, retired CIA legend Dewey Clarridge. I know that’s a fact because I sent the drawings through our secure DARPA funded internet connection from the Taj in Jalalabad, Afghanistan.
  6. One of the most proficient CIA analysts with a proven regional counter terrorism track record, Sarah Adams, said the Abbey Gate attack had two organizers, Sirajuddin Haqqani and Sanaullah Ghafari: two men who had the means, intelligence, motivation, and a long history of attacking Americans. Sarah was on the Shawn Ryan Show and some other podcasts I listen to and she’s impressive.
  7. It is impossible to believe that some low-level jail bird had the ability to organize, arm and execute a suicide bombing mission so quickly, having been locked up in Bagram until mid-August. The bombers needed the assistance of a senior terrorist experienced in launching suicide attacks in Kabul. The Taliban leadership had one man who fit that bill, Sirajuddin Haqqani, now the Interior Minister of Afghanistan.
The first attempt to exact retribution for the Abbey Gate bombing killed an innocent family.

Like most Americans, I have been thrilled to see President Trump dominate the deep state. If it is humanly possible to turn the CIA from a renegade political opposition operation into a functional organization that subordinates itself to the Executive Branch and is actually capable of doing spy work, I believe President Trump will do it. However, Trump is not a superhuman, and it is going to take a Herculean effort to clean out the Augean Stables of the CIA. It would be easier, safer, cheaper, and more efficient to dismantle the CIA and let Eric Prince of General Michael Flynn build a new organization using the Office of Strategic Services model.

The idea that the CIA suddenly became a functional, nonpartisan intelligence agency during the FJB era is hard to believe. As is the claim, that “Jafar” has confessed to his crimes. Confessions by Hill Pashtuns under the tender ministrations of the ISI are meaningless. American jails are full of men who have “confessed” after very little pressure to crimes that DNA proved they never committed.

Confessions, absent hard, solid, SIGINT complimented by human intelligence are meaningless. The CIA has a 20-plus-year record of failure generating accurate human intelligence in Afghanistan or Pakistan. There is a show on Netflix that proves the point. They think they are depicting a competent human intelligence operation. What they show is two old Warlords taking the agency to the cleaners over fabricated bullshit. My assessment of that amusing spectacle is here.

CENTCOM Commander Kenneth F. McKenzie, Jr., USMC is responsible for the disaster in Kabul and should have been held accountable.

Accountability for the disastrous Kabul NEO mission should start at the top because it was preordained the day we abandoned the Bagram Airfield. On this episode of All Marine Radio, I predicted exactly what would happen the month before Abbey Gate, making me one of maybe 10,000 people who recognized that fact at the time. The CENTCOM commander, Marine General Kenneth F. McKenzie, Jr. should have never allowed Biden to give up Bagram. The Pentagon had already perfected thwarting presidential directives under Trump, so why, suddenly, did their attitudes change with Biden? I suspect they thought the 2020 election marked the ascendancy of the deep state apparatus. So McKenzie played ball knowing he would be handsomely compensated upon retirement while never held accountable for the fiasco he created.

My generation’s senior Marine Corps general officers are not proficient in reading historical trends. I know most of them and once respected and admired them more than any other group of men on the face of the planet. With age comes wisdom as well as the disappointment of seeing your heroes exposed by fate and circumstance as being petty, vindictive shits because all the cool kids in DC thought that the Bad Orange Man was a kook. They thought wrong, but it’s going to take more than six short weeks to repair the damage done by their long march through our institutions.

The Valley of Miracles

Los Fresnos, Texas, is a small farming hamlet astride State Highway 100, the route to South Padre Island. It is famous for annoying speed traps at either end of the town, where the speed limit on State Highway 100 drops from 65 to 35. Right in the middle of Los Fresnos is a large restaurant/Mexican Bakery called Abby’s Bakery. The owners Leonardo and Nora Báez, started selling homemade pan dulce out of their van on the side of a road in Los Fresnos. They sold their pan dulce from their roadside spot for 18 years before opening a large modern restaurant/bakery.

Last week, ICE raided Abby’s and hauled off every employee for being in the country illegally. They also arrested the Báez’s for harboring illegal workers on their property. The Federales discovered the entire staff lived in a tiny back room stuffed with bunk beds. Yet the owners are not facing charges for tax fraud like the owner of the Charleroi, Pennsylvania, staffing firm busted last week for putting illegal Haitians to work in food processing plants. Stranger still, nobody in the small tight-knit hamlet noticed that illegal migrants were running their favorite Mexican Bakery.

Man on the street interviews by a local TV station revealed local citizens greeted the news with shock and dismay. The citizens who could speak English were not concerned over the exploitation of Mexican workers; they were pissed that the Federales (a.k.a. ICE) were active in their town. I’m not sure what the Spanish speakers were saying but it was probably similar to the pull quote below:

“I’ve come to this bakery since I could drive just to find out that in your local community right around the corner they’re picking up people,” Los Fresnos resident Gordy Aguilar said.”

Do the citizens of Los Fresnos expect their service industry to be staffed by underpaid illegals? Are they not concerned about the social contract being violated by business owners dodging their payroll taxes? One would think the municipal authorities, who are just down the street next to the town rodeo grounds, would frown on this sort of thing, but they make a killing with the speed traps and may not really care.

At this point, the perceptive reader may wonder how a guy selling pan dulce from his van saves enough to open a bakery or restaurant. This raises questions about what kind of credit score a guy selling pan dulce on the side of the road could have. Or how does one raise the collateral to finance a bakery or restaurant from food truck sales? These are not the proper questions; there are hundreds of brand-new Mexican Bakeries just like Abby’s in the Rio Grande Valley, most owned by dudes who started out with a food truck. It’s an economic miracle that polite people ignore because we do not question miracles in the RGV.

Miracles happen constantly on the border, as they do in Mexico. For instance, Bird Flu spared Mexico, so I can buy a dozen eggs for less than a dollar just five miles from my house. If you Google bird flu Mexico you’ll see hundreds of articles from the WHO and legacy media organs claiming Mexico is in the middle of a bird flu epidemic. But they are not killing their chickens, which is keeping their egg prices down. Who are you going to believe? Your own lying eyes or the media?

We also have a powerful shrine to miracles in the RGV that was imported by the freakishly tall, dour Belgian monks of The Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate. They commissioned a copy from a talented Guadalajara artist of the Virgin Mary statue venerated at San Juan de los Lagos. They installed it in the Basilica of the National Shrine of Our Lady of San Juan del Valle. San Juan is next to Pharr, three exits after McAllen on the I-2 Expressway. Now the faithful can visit the shrine to seek miracles for themselves and return home with gallons of holy water, which is provided free of charge at the shrine. Holy water is the one thing nobody has on hand when they need it, so the wise supplicant stores a gallon or two for emergencies.

Manual Molina is talking with Father Hendrik Laenen, a Belgian Oblate priest, who is outside Our Lady of Refuge in Roma, Texas. For over 100 years, the Oblates served the RGV in those black vestments, long before the air conditioning, paved roads, indoor plumbing, etc… Even in this old black and white photograph you sense Father Laenen had a perpetual sunburn. Photo from R.J. Molina

On October 23, 1970, a local flight instructor crashed his single-engine plane onto the roof of the Basilica during Friday Mass. The fifty priests inside the Basilica evacuated in good order, taking all the children from the attached school with them to safety. The only fatality was the pilot, but the Basilica was destroyed in the ensuing flames. Yet the statue of Our Lady of Saint John of the Valle emerged from the wreckage untouched by the flames. That was a true miracle that may have been facilitated by a priest taking the statue with him when they evacuated, but that’s not the point. The faithful do not quibble over annoying details when it comes to miracles.

The Basilica of the National Shrine of Our Lady of San Juan del Valle.

The RGV was ready when the next round of miracles arrived in the form of NAFTA and Federal Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI) grants. NAFTA created thousands of well-paying managerial jobs for Americans commuting to Mexican maquiladoras (manufacturing plants) or working for RGV-based logistic and trucking companies. That brought good money into the Valley but the motherlode was in the HSI grants.

The United States Departments of Agriculture, Education, and Housing and Urban Development have HSI grant programs. The National Science Foundation and the National Institute of Food and Agriculture also have HSI grant programs. The National Aeronautics & Space Administration, Department of Defense, National Endowment for the Humanities, Department of Health and Human Services, Department of Homeland Security, and Department of Transportation also have HSI grant programs. The amount of federal tax dollars that has poured into the RGV through HSI grants is impossible to estimate but easy to see in the form of brand-new schools, hospitals, municipal buildings, and everything local property taxes would cover if you lived in a Gringo community.

As federal tax dollars poured in to build infrastructure, local banks and credit unions financed an explosion of housing developments, apartment buildings, strip malls and automated car washes. The valley banks were founded partly to protect the cash of wealthy Mexicans who craved the dollar’s stability. Mexican capital continues to pour into these institutions, and Mexican investors are also happy to invest in American businesses and real estate. In the past, separating Narco money from legitimate investment pesos was almost impossible given the sophistication of Cartel money laundering schemes. But suddenly the ground has shifted.

Will the Trump administration continue to send Billions of tax dollars to the RGV via the Hydra-headed HSI system? I doubt it. Will unlimited amounts of Mexican investment money continue to flow into the valley? Not if the feds introduce DOGE-style, AI-assisted audits of local banks, hospitals, and construction companies. That level of scrutiny would turn up abnormalities indicating the involvement of cartel money. Our local cartel, the Cártel del Golfo (CDG, Gulf Cartel), has been active in the RGV since prohibition. They have invested billions with the aid of friendly RGV bankers, politicians, and law enforcement, despite the occasional arrest and prosecution of local bigwigs by the federal authorities.

But the amount of Cocaine seized by multiple agencies in the past week in the RGV indicates a new game is afoot. A McAllen woman was busted with 48 pounds of cocaine stuffed in her quarter panels at the Progresso Port of Entry on Monday. An illegal from Mexico living in Mission was found with 26 pounds of coke during a traffic stop the next day and a Brownsville senior citizen tried to get over the Los Indios bridge Mule style with 600k worth of white gold in his old truck. On Wednesday, the Border Patrol found 563 pounds of cocaine at the Sarita checkpoint in Kingsville. The next day a tour bus carrying a mariachi band across the Anzalduas Bridge to their gig in Houston was found to contain 200 pounds of cocaine in a modified gas tank.

This dramatic leap in drug seizures could easily be the result of the increased use of military ISR platforms over Mexico. Ten years ago, I saw how cutting-edge technology could harvest specific targeting information from thin air. That technology has improved significantly and I doubt many people understand the depth of current capabilities. On the other hand, it could be Narcos diming out other Narcos to maneuver for advantage under changing circumstances.

To top off an extraordinary week, President Claudia Sheinbaum pulled off a Narco Mega Extradition, handing over 29 senior leaders from every major Cartel in Mexico to the Department of Justice. Included was Rafel Caro Quintero who will be tried for the 1985 murder of DEA Agent Enrique “Kiki” Camarena. Quintero is facing the death penalty, and before this week, Mexico had refused to extradite any Mexican for prosecution if they faced the death penalty. We are now firmly in uncharted territory.

President Trump won every county in the RGV, but the political and business elite in the Valley are die-hard Democrats. They have not worked through the seven stages of grief over their political irrelevance on the national stage. The local elites thrived on HSI grant money and narco bucks for decades retarding their ability to adapt to the challenges of an America-first future. Inshallah, the federales will come to the valley and start untangling the mess created by billions of narco bucks and poorly supervised (if not fraudulent) HSI grant monies. If they do, there is going to be hell to pay, and for once, the hard-working normies who elected President Trump will not be the ones footing the bill. And that, given what we have endured for the past eight years, would be a miracle.

A Protest too Pharr

February started with a number of anti-immigration protests breaking out across the country. “People are feeling galvanized,” gushed USA Today as they tried to paint the anti-Trump protests as organic, spontaneous demonstrations of popular outrage. The protests in Los Angeles, Seattle, Austin, and Washington D.C. were supported by open-border NGOs like the Party for Socialism and Liberation, and We Fight Back. They are progressive leftist fringe groups who contend society can only survive by ending capitalism. American billionaires like Neville Roy Singham fund these organizations to protect us from the excesses of other American billionaires like Elon Musk. How this envy of Elon shifted into open border advocacy is hazy. Regardless Roy Singham is pissed off and has paid millions of dollars to various progressive protest organizations to get the rest of us pissed off too.

Law enforcement personnel stage on the 110 freeway during a protest calling for immigration reform Sunday, Feb. 2, 2025, in Los Angeles. (AP Photo/Eric Thayer)

Even McAllen, Texas, had a Saturday night anti-ICE protest on February 1st that attracted hundreds of mostly young locals. Unlike the protests in big blue cities, the McAllen protestors were peaceful and friendly. Mostly, they drove up and down 10th Street waving Mexican flags and honking their horns, which is what most of them do on a Saturday night anyway (minus the flags). When I was their age, we would have headed over the Anzalduas Bridge into Reynosa to party once we were done cruising 10th Street, but the kids these days . . . not so much. In fact, it’s safe to assume most of them never venture into Mexico because it’s too dangerous.

Local kids express their solidarity with Mexico – a country they love to talk about but never visit. How ironic would it be if Mexico became a safe, sovereign country for these kids to visit during President Trump’s term?

This past Wednesday, RGV Truth live-streamed another spontaneous anti-Ice protest down the road at the Westlico Premium Outlet Mall. Judging from the video, it looked more like a car show with a little swap meet on the side than a protest. But there were plenty of young folks flying Mexican flags from the beds of late-model customized pickup trucks that they would never drive across the Mexican border for obvious reasons. But we don’t talk about that in the RGV because it’s not polite. As we headed into another weekend of action, the mood was tense, with some shadowy miscreants calling for a Saturday night protest next door in the hamlet of Pharr.

This unique call to arms rapidly spread across social media but generated no interest.

Pharr, Texas, was famous for a riot on Cage Street on February 6th, 1971. Back then, the street was lined with bars, cantinas, and barber shops that catered to the local Mexican American population. The police station is also on Cage Street, and on the 6th of February, some local women gathered there to protest the arrest of one of their kids. Back then, the Pharr police and fire departments were staffed with white dudes, and they hosed down the protestors with a firehose, causing the bars and cantinas to empty out. When the local men confronted the cops, they opened fire with live ammunition, killing a local barber.

The Pharr Riots were a big deal in the 1970s; even back then, shooting live ammunition into a crowd of aggravated citizens was considered way out of line. Just a few years earlier, Texas Rangers Alfred Allee and Jacquin Jackson responded to a hostage situation at the Maverick County Courthouse in Eagle Pass by methodically taking the third-floor jail area apart with Browning Automatic Rifles until the hostage takers begged them to stop shooting. That was considered solid police work at the time, but not shooting a barber protesting the use of fire hoses on the local citizens.

Every small town has a unique feature that drives civic pride. For Pharr, Texas, it’s a massive freeway interchange between Highways 83 and 69 that is always expanding to accommodate explosive population growth. I think the Pharr off-ramps are in their third iteration, and they are spectacular, arching so far above the city you look down on Top Golf

With that kind of history, how could the local open-border NGOs go wrong staging the Pharr II Riots? Every Latino Studies graduate in the nation knows that the United States is systemically racist, so the oppression of brown native-born people by The Man in Pharr, Texas, has not changed in 54 years! Only everything in Pharr, Texas, has changed in the past 54 years, starting with trigger-happy white dudes on the police force.

The majority Hispanic population now runs Pharr and every other municipality in the Rio Grande Valley. And these aren’t catty punk-ass Hispanics like the councilwoman from LA caught bad-mouthing the blacks. These are legit civic leaders – the mayor of Pharr is a perfect example. Dr. Ambrosio “Amos” Hernandez is a pediatric surgeon and a principal investor in Doctors Hospital Renaissance (DHR), a massive doctors-owned hospital system with curious funding mechanisms that we don’t talk about in the Valley because that too is considered impolite. Recently, Doctor Hernandez headed the initiative to open a massive branch of the Driscoll Children’s Hospital on the DHR Edinburg campus. DHR is three miles away from the giant South Texas Health Systems Children’s Hospital. You might think that there are a lot of children’s hospitals in a geographically remote border area, but that’s another topic that polite people don’t talk about in the Valley. We have great weather and would rather talk about that.

Top Golf was opened to “drive down diabetes” but hasn’t drawn big crowds yet

Dr. Hernandez is also an accomplished businessman who raised enough investment capital to address the obesity epidemic plaguing the citizens of Phar, with a three-story air-conditioned driving range. The mayor also spearheaded the effort to transform the spot of the 1971 Pharr Riot into a food truck park called The Hub.

The Hub – a food truck park that doesn’t have any food trucks. I’m guessing the close proximity of the police station discourages the taco truck chefs from selling beer on the side. Who wants to eat food truck tacos without beer?

Saturday evening was beautiful in Pharr, with a glorious sunset and perfect weather for a protest centered on The Hub. However, the venue was empty—no protestors, food trucks, or anything. Top Golf probably attracted a bigger crowd, but that isn’t a sure bet, as it never seems busy.

This brings up another topic we don’t talk about much down here: federal HSI designation. Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSI) were eligible (during previous administrations) for multiple streams of federal grant monies. Every school district, hospital system, and municipality in the RGV anticipated unimpeded access to federal HSI grants in perpetuity, but that now appears to be in doubt. The loss of federal grant monies combined with increased scrutiny into the origins of Mexican investment capital would have a catastrophic impact on the current economic development.

We Fight Back had big plans for the weekend but lacked enough cash to pay for an outrage mob. Could this be a second-order effect from turning off the USAID money spigot?

Pharr wasn’t the only scheduled protest with no protestors – of the 40 cities targeted by the Weekend of Action, only a handful had actual protests. The crowd in Austin was sparse, as was the crowd in Colorado Springs, and those were the only protests I could find in the news. I suspect it takes a lot of walking around money to generate a proper outrage mob, and apparently, that money has disappeared from the open-border NGOs. There is no organic support for a wide-open southern border, nor do rational people consider the abuse inflicted on illegal immigrants by human traffickers acceptable.

I’ve seen French street mimes draw bigger crowds than this in Austin. Protesters against U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement deportations gathered at the Texas Capitol on February 8, 2025. (KXAN News/Aidan Boyd)

The United States is poised for significant change in how the federal government interacts with its citizens and state governments. In places that have benefited from the transfer of American jobs to the third world (like the Rio Grande Valley), change means the end of easy federal dollars subsidizing wealthy real estate speculators. The reaction of local power brokers to the new administration was summed up by this statement from McAllen Police Chief Victor Rodriguez.

“The McAllen Police Department has in the past and does so today deem immigration matters to be a federal jurisdictional responsibility, and as such, we do not engage in immigration enforcement activities.”

That is total bullshit. The McAllen police deemed immigration a problem when the FJB administration started releasing thousands of illegal migrants into the city back in 2021. President Trump easily won the popular vote in the Rio Grande Valley but not the votes of the entrenched Hispanic elites who run this valley. Now they are lying low, waiting to see how badly designating Mexican cartels as terrorist organizations hurts the flow of investment capital and bribe money flooding the border area from the narco-terrorist state next door. In that respect, the RGV is the canary in the coal mine when it comes to taking control of our Southern Border away from the cartels. If the Trump Administration is serious about stopping both cartel trafficking and fraudulent government disbursements, there are a bunch of powerful people in this valley who are about to face the grim prospect of federal prosecution for fraud and/or aiding and abetting terrorism.

Catholic Church and NFWA Hit Hard by Closed Border

The flow of illegal migrants using the CBP One app to claim asylum has ended in the Rio Grande Valley sector. There are still people crossing who want to avoid detection, like the Russian mercenary with $4,000 and a drone in his backpack who was caught in Roma two weeks ago. But the constant flow of illegals from around the world who used the CBP One app to claim asylum after jumping the border has ceased.

The day President Trump declared the border a national emergency, I took a tour of the usual Border Patrol collection points along the McAllen/Mission area of the Rio Grande River. No buses were picking up recently arrived illegals, the Border Patrol presence was light, and the border was quiet. Anzalduas Park, which is on the River, has closed again and is now being used to launch and recover the law enforcement boats supporting Operation Lone Star.

Anzalduas Park is closed again

Anzalduas Park was closed before when the Catholic Charities RGV ran out of hotel rooms to rent for COVID-19-positive illegals. to “quarantine themselves before being flown or bussed into the country under the FJB catch and release policy. The thousands of illegals pouring across the border who were not positive were stashed under the Anzalduas Bridge, which connects McAllen to Reynosa, Mexico.

These are new, and I saw a few more stationed at crossroads near the border fence. This is at the junction of FM 494 and the dirt road leading to La Lomita Chapel
La Lomita Chapel is on the other side of the levee. The Border Patrol

The restored Capilla De La Lomita is a few hundred meters inland from Anzalduas Park and once served as an important way station on the old Brownsville to Roma trail. The La Lomita (little hill) chapel was built in 1865 by The Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate (Oblates) from the new Archdiocese in Galveston. The pioneer priests of the Oblates were Belgian missionaries who learned Spanish and used Capilla De La Lomita as a headquarters to service four other chapels and seventy-five ranches from Brownsville to Roma. The Oblates were a fixture in the Rio Grande Valley for over a century, but they are long gone, replaced by Catholic Charities RGV, which the Brownsville Archdiocese sponsors.

Capilla De La Lomita

The Oblates were poor missionaries who dedicated their lives to serving the people of the Rio Grande Valley. Catholic Charities RGV may provide services to the poor in the Rio Grande Valley, but their focus is servicing the tens of thousands of illegals who have poured over the border during the last four years. Catholic Charities RGV is essentially a government contractor that has spent millions of taxpayer dollars on hotel rooms, bus and airplane tickets, meals, and clothing. The Catholic church has gone from sending missionaries to care for the poor to aiding and abetting the exploitation of the poor by supporting the human and sex trafficking of Mexican Narcos.

Manual Molina talking with Father Hendrik Laenen, a Belgian Oblate priest, outside Our Lady of Refuge in Roma, Texas, between 1956 and 1960. Photo from R.J. Molina

One of the reasons President Trump won every border county in Texas was his promise to lock down the border. Allowing millions of unvetted migrants into the country hurts the working class, and most of the Hispanic residents of the border are working class. Why the Catholic Church has prioritized big fat government contracts to house and transport illegal immigrants who will drive down wages and drive up crime among the people they are supposed to be serving is a mystery. However, my experience with government contracts is that the people who win and manage them in the NGO world are handsomely compensated.

In the early 1960s, a poorly compensated  Mexican American civil rights activist, Cesario Estrada Chávez, started the National Farm Workers Association (NFWA). Chavez used the NFWA to raise wages and improve working conditions for farm workers. Once Chávez successfully unionized farm workers who became an implacable foe of illegal immigration. In 1989, César Chávez & Dolores Huerta founded La Unión del Pueblo Entero (LUPE) to lobby for farm workers in the Rio Grande Valley. Farm workers in the Rio Grande Valley have always included Mexican-based harvesting crews, so I assume his view on wetbacks had moderated when he arrived in the RGV.

This is not a popular cause in the RGV. Inflicting drag queens on local children without their parent’s expressed consent would be suicidal. The number of parents who would support this is ridiculously low.

The second of Robert Conquest’s three laws of politics states: “Any organization not explicitly and constitutionally right-wing will sooner or later become left-wing. ‘ That law has always proved true in my experience, which explains why LUPE is now focused on open borders, all-ages drag shows, PRIDE celebrations, and anti-Trump protests.

In the RGV, when a girl turns 15, we put her in a ball gown and spend thousands of dollars on a Quinceanera for her. Who needs drag queens when your 15-year-old girls dress like this?

While I was driving around the border, Taylor Cramer from RGV Truth was covering a LUPE inauguration day protest in McAllen’s Archer Park. His pictures capture exactly why this group is so marginalized. They are clearly unable to understand why Donald Trump won every county on the Texas border. They, like the democratic senators trying to derail Trump’s cabinet picks, cannot read the room. They do not understand why their divisive rhetoric and anti-American propaganda do not resonate with normal Americans. To prove that point, LUPE is the first RGV-based organization I have heard of using “Latinx” in their advertising.

Not a large turnout in a town that President Trump carried in a landslide. These people are no longer relevant in Rio Grande Valley, which is exploding with jobs, young families, and the opportunity provided by solid jobs for the middle class.

Latinx is not a popular neologism with my Hispanic neighbors, who use proficiency with the Spanish language as a more reliable gauge of who is and is not “Hispanic.” If you have blond hair and blue eyes and speak perfect Castillian Spanish, you’re not just Hispanic but upper-caste Hispanic. If you are a third-generation Hispanic kid who doesn’t speak Spanish, you’re essentially a white dude. This is a drawn-out way of demonstrating that looks don’t matter in the Rio Grande Valley, and nobody here appreciates divisive terms like “Latinx.”

Giving away free condoms and lube is not how you win friends or influence people in the Rio Grande Valley. LUPE should have followed the example set by our Jewish neighbors and set up free food, a petting zoo, and kiddie rides in the park.

Our national nightmare has ended with the nationwide repudiation of the progressive woke agenda. Yet the progressive left is still aligned with the thoroughly discredited global elite who continue to loot the peace while increasing income inequality. LUPE receives funding from the Soros Open Society Foundation, which claims to promote democratic practices as well as equity and justice. But not justice for the farmers, ranchers, and families of the Rio Grande Valley. The Open Society wants justice for the illegals who trespass on our property, trash our fields, cut our fences, steal our pets, and threaten our children.

Operation Lonestar is popular in the RGV but not with George Soros’s Open Societies Institute, which now funds LUPE. The thought that people should “migrate freely” is insane and not supported by normie Americans. Photograph courtesy of RGV Truth

LUPE and Catholic Charities RGV have no problem aiding and abetting the sex trafficking of women and children. They know that nobody comes across the Rio Grande River without paying the cartels, and they know how the cartels collect from women and children. Donations from the local church congregations do not fund LUPE or Catholic Charities RGV; our tax dollars fund them, as do international open-border organizations. These malignant RGV-based organizations will contract and shift focus after President Trump locks down the border. Maybe they’ll start serving the residents of the RGV instead of the illegals, who have been their sole focus for the past four years.

All Quiet on the Southern Front

With our national nightmare drawing to a close, I thought it a good time to check on our bad border. On the last Sunday of 2024, I took a drive along the Military Highway to check on the known rally points the Border Patrol uses to consolidate illegal border jumpers for transport to their processing facility.

 The first stop was Granjeno, home of the Junk Yard Bar. Behind the Junk Yard, there is a fence in the border wall that has been welded open by the Biden administration. But the fence and surrounding levee road were empty. Anzalduas Park, Bentsen State Park, and Penitas were also eerily quiet. On a normal Sunday afternoon drive, I would’ve encountered dozens of Border Patrol Trucks parked in these areas and a heavy State Police presence. Last Sunday, I saw none. Yesterday, I checked again and saw one Border Patrol truck, but there was no state police.

The Rio Grande Valley sector traditionally leads the nation in illegal migrant apprehensions, but this year, it has fallen to fifth place. Since the beginning of the federal fiscal year, migrant apprehensions have been down 84% compared to FY 2023. The federal fiscal year starts in October, so this is a tricky media way of masking the fact that apprehensions are down since the election of President Trump. The cartels control the migrant flow, and I don’t know why they have curtailed most of the human smuggling traffic in this sector. It could be an encouraging sign, but I don’t think the cartels are going to forgo their smuggling revenues that easily.

When I took my afternoon walk, I cruised by the bus station to see if the Catholic Relief Charities looked busy, and they were. Lots of military-aged males loitering about, which is normal. Unaccompanied minors are dropped off at the Southwest Key Programs NGO, an NGO with a fake address listed on the internet because reasons. One of those reasons is the multiple investigations for rampant sexual abuse of those children by the NGO staff.

Traffic on the Anzalduas Bridge coming from Mexico was backed up for miles on the last Sunday in December. Years ago, traffic flowed from Texas to Mexico for big holiday weekends; now, Mexicans come here and have a huge economic impact. The holiday season extends through Día de los Reyes Magos‘ or the ‘Three Wise Men’ celebration on the sixth of January.

The annual evening Hanukah celebration in Arthur Park is a McAllen holiday tradition that draws lots of local kids with a petting zoo and various rides. At 6:00 pm during the eight nights of Hanukah a prominent local Rabbi lights one of the Torah candles before having a social with the various locals who have gathered for the celebration. The Jewish community in the Rio Grande Valley has no issues – this is South Texas; we carry guns and won’t tolerate anyone abusing our neighbors over religious issues. In fact, the first European settlers in the Rio Grande Valley included Spanish Jews who had escaped the Inquisition through feigned or actual conversion. Being former Jews, they were tacitly excluded from the inner ranks in Mexico City, so they went North to establish Monterrey as Mexico’s banking capital. They pushed on into Nuevo Santander, establishing the towns of Camargo, Reynosa, and Laredo.

The local Jewish Community 2024 Festival of Lights in Archer Park. Kids love the rides and the food is not bad too.

Within three generations, the Spanish priests of Nuevo Santander had exposed and stopped all clandestine Hebrew practices by interrogating children about their home lives. The Spanish Jews stopped practicing their religion but did not mestizaje (marry local Indians), preferring to marry among themselves. That practice ended in 1846 when Maria Hilaria de la Garza, daughter of Don Francisco de la Garza Martinez, the biggest landowner in the Rio Grande Valley, married a former Texas Ranger and current successful Corpus Christie merchant Henry Clay Davis. One of the conditions of the marriage was that Henry had to move down to the northern side of the Rio Grande to manage his father-in-law’s cattle ranch.

In 1848, Henry Clay Davis built Fort Ringgold to protect the port town he built and named Rio Grande City. And that’s how the white dudes penetrated the Rio Grande Valley, marring into the old Spanish families awarded porciones (elongated quadrangles of land with frontage on the Rio Grande River) by Spain. The founder of McAllen, Texas, John McAllen, did the same thing, marrying Salome Balli Dominguez, who had inherited the Santa Anta Ranch. McAllen was a Scots-Irish immigrant who worked as a clerk in the Edinburgh store of a man named John Young, who was the first Anglo to marry Ms. Dominguez, but he died, and his employee imported from Scotland married her after what we assume was a proper interval.

John McAllen, the founder of the city of McAllen, came from the lower elevations of Scotland, given his formal education, self-motivation, and temperate drinking habits.

The Scots-Irish who married into the old-school Spanish families of the Rio Grande Valley were educated, capable men who wanted to develop their lands. They laid out towns, organized irrigation districts, and attracted enough development funding to build roads, telegraph, and railroad lines. Being dour Scotsmen, they built large, secure banks that were stingy with the loaning out creditors’ money. Secure, honest banks were ideal for wealthy Mexicans who could protect their fortunes from their predatory central government and the frequent devaluations of the Mexican peso.

Forty years ago, McAllen was the hub for nightly smuggling flights into Mexico that carried stereos, flat screen TV’s, or modern dental and medical equipment . . . things that you could not get in the country due to corruption, bureaucratic incompetence, and thievery. The Rio Grande Valley continues to benefit from Mexican investors, but much of that money now comes from the Cartels. Nobody knows how things are going to shake out between the Trump administration and the Mexican government/cartels, so for now, things are very quiet on the border. I don’t think they will stay that way for much longer.

Back to Beirut?

Forty one years ago, the 1st Battalion 8th Marines were attacked by the first modern suicide bomber at the Beirut International Airport. A dump truck packed with 12,000 pounds of explosives crashed through a flimsy gate and into a building being used as barracks for the Marines, killing 241 Marines and sailors. At the time, I was a Navy corpsman assigned to the Naval Hospital in Newport, Rhode Island. I was also the leading petty officer of the Surgical Support Team, and we were rapidly mobilized, vaccinated, and sent overseas to join the unit, replacing the devastated Marine Amphibious Unit in Beirut. In the ensuing months, I witnessed, mostly from our ship but sometimes on the shore, an American military disaster.

Doc Lynch on the ground in Beirut. standing in front of what was left of the Barracks

Nobody in that operation knew what we were supposed to do on the ground in Beirut.

In November 1983, the various warring factions were stupid enough to attack the Marine positions, which allowed for some mission clarity. One thing Marines understand is killing people, so when attacked, they responded by killing everybody shooting at them. That caused the various warring factions to stop shooting any weapons anywhere near Marine positions. With no enemies attacking them, the Marines returned to displaying the flag as our political masters dictated. The Marines also found creative ways to trick Lebanese militia into firing their weapons near them so they could kill more of them. That’s what bored Marines do in undefined combat adjacent spaces.

The anniversary of that pointless disaster is the perfect day for the FJB administration to announce another pointless deployment of American combat troops into the Middle East, where they will do… What? Question number one is, who’s deploying them? It can’t be Joe Biden because he turned over his first cabinet meeting in over a year to Jill Biden. Is this Dr. Jill’s idea? Or is Cackling Kamala doing the saber-rattling? These are questions the regime media will never ask because the answers will reflect poorly on their democratic sponsors.

What the hell is this? Why are we forced to act like this is normal or acceptable?

Could you imagine the media frenzy if Melania Trump chaired a cabinet meeting? What if Melania took over a cabinet meeting, and the next day, the military made the following announcement:

“In light of increased tension in the Middle East and out of an abundance of caution, we are sending a small number of additional U.S. military personnel forward to augment our forces that are already in the region,” 

We know precisely what would happen: the end of the world, with media hysteria cranked up beyond the endurance of mere mortals.

What will a “small number of military personnel” do in the Middle East? What capabilities do they bring to the fight? If the Pentagon wants to exercise “an abundance of caution,” how about you leave those troops in the United States? They cannot influence a damn thing happening on the ground in Lebanon. We tried that in 1983, thinking the mere presence of a Marine Corps expeditionary unit would stop the internecine fighting in Beirut. We stopped nothing. Instead, we presented an attractive target for Iranian-financed proxies to destroy in the biggest nonnuclear detonation in history.

We just completed a 20-year, multi-billion dollar effort to replace the Taliban with the Taliban and have learned nothing. The same “smartest kids in the room” who gave us the Kabul fiasco are driving this ridiculously under-resourced response to a war that is none of our business. It has been all war all the time in Lebanon for the past 40 years, and we’ve done nothing about it. Why start now by once again exposing our military to grave danger while failing to give them a mission, a desired end state, or adequate resources?

Maybe “Doctor” Jill thinks getting American troops killed overseas is a brilliant election-year strategy. It would certainly generate some “rally around our troops” support, forcing attention away from Kamala and FJB. That may be smart politics if you’re a raging sociopath. Melania Trump, who is fluent in five languages with a measured IQ an entire standard deviation higher than “Doctor” Jill, would never risk the lives of American troops for political gain.

In 1983, if the military said it was building a pier, it would have built one that could handle the moderate seas of the Mediterranean.

The truth lands with a thud and requires no further explanation. The truth is, we have no idea what we are doing in the Middle East. We didn’t have a clue in 1983, and we don’t have one today. Nor do we have a capable military, adequate naval shipping, or capable Marine Corps battalions. We can’t even build a temporary pier, something the Roman army was quite proficient at building 2500 years ago. Those capabilities have been sacrificed on the altar of equity and inclusion by men who placed access to power and post-retirement riches over the stewardship of their respective service branches. Other people’s children will be paying the price for that folly in the future. And it will be a painful lesson for all involved, just like Beirut in 1983.

Orange Tigers, Yellow Generals and Daryl Cooper

The Reynosa tiger has, unfortunately, been captured on our side of the Rio Grande. I thought that it had most likely been stolen by one of the cartels but I was wrong. Although it entered the river opposite the Junk Yard Bar in Granjeno it was driven west by the border walls (not hard to predict) and probably exited the border wall belt at the Bensten State Park. The cat then worked the scrub lands making a beeline for Star County where there are plenty of cattle and scores of wild Ocelots. It was trapped outside the hamlet of Los Longoria most likely by Texas Game Wardens. It will probably be returned to the Quinta La Fauna Zoo which, given Mexico’s international ranking of #3 for animal abuse is a crime against nature, but property rights, not animal rights, animates our legal system so I suspect there is little choice in the matter.

If the tiger had made it across expressway 83 he would have been home free in Star County

I have been asked by several of my former Marine Corps associates how I could support President Trump after his competency, executive skills, and temperament were called into question by the four-star Marine Corps and Army Generals who worked for him. The answer is as simple as it is infuriating, they dumped on Trump only because it was well inside the Overton Window of our failed intelligentsia and its rent-seeking nomenklatura. Those four-star conformists would have never, in a million years, done the same to Obama, Clinton, or Biden because that would jeopardize their access to the riches showered upon the upper echelons of our ruling class. It doesn’t matter that Obama’s surge with its announced end date was exactly the kind of White House incompetence that they railed against as junior field grade officers. It doesn’t matter that they despised Willy BJ when he was in the White House for his gross sexual assault on an unpaid intern. If you asked about the disparity in power between a sitting president and an unpaid intern, which is the modern definition of rape, their answer would be it’s time to move on.

The last time I saw two of those generals (Allen and Mattis) in person was in the CENTCOM headquarters in Tampa, where I had been summoned to explain how The Pentagon’s Private Spy Ring worked. I worked for General Allen when he was a major and knew him well, I met General Mattis only once when on active duty and did not know him at all. The Pentagon had cut ties with us after the second New York Times front-page fake news article about the ring. So our founder, retired CIA legend Dewey Clarridge, started a password-protected website, put our intelligence there, and gave the password to selected journalists and members of the House. They saw, in real-time the cost of ignoring our intel when suicide bombers hit ISAF exactly where and when we said they would. They saw how quickly we found the kidnappers responsible for grabbing two sailors who had mistakenly driven into Wardak province and then witnessed the consequences of ignoring our offer to mediate when the surviving sailor was killed. His kidnappers panicked when ISAF flooded the province with soldiers. exactly what we predicted would happen.

In August of 2008, my cell (the Willi cell) sent this to Dewey Clarridge and told him Osama bin Ladin was living there. That’s how good we were at the intel game, making us an existential threat to the regime intelligence apparatus, who drove a stake into us via their useful idiots in the media.*

I thought that Generals Allan and Mattis would be thrilled at having an effective human intelligence operation up and running inside Afghanistan and Pakistan, but I thought wrong. Winning was not on their agenda, pleasing Obama was their priority, so the last thing they wanted was an effective HUMINT network gumming up the works as they focused on a hasty retreat mandated by a nitwit of a president. Criticism of Obama was outside the Overton Window of the movers and shakers in Washington, DC. The yellow generals would claim they were respecting the office, not the man, but that changed instantly when the Bad Orange Man was in office. Trump represented the same threat to the political class that our Eclipse Group presented to the CIA so the rules about deportment around a sitting president suddenly changed allowing the yellow generals to use their prestige to kneecap him.

Yet it turned out Donald J Trump had good instincts when exercising the office of the presidency. He called out our NATO allies for underfunding their defense while expecting us to fight for them. He made this country an energy exporter driving costs down with cheap oil and natural gas. He closed the border and instituted a stay-in-place policy that made a dent in the sexual exploration of children being trafficked across our southern border. And he salvaged the Supreme Court by installing a couple of almost conservative justices. The “chaotic, unfocused, undisciplined” Trump White House was a godsend compared to the disaster we have been living through ever since FJB waddled his corrupt ass into the Oval Office – and not a word from the four-star high-functioning conformists who were more than happy to trash Trump.

Biden and Harris intentionally abdicated their responsibility to secure our borders which is one of the basic functions of government. Now we have armed gangs from Tren de Aragua taking over buildings in Aurora and Chicago. Towns like Springfield Ohio are being colonized by thousands of feral Haitians who lack the ability or intentions of assimilation while establishing their enclaves from which they can raid the public parks for ducks and swans to eat. The incompetent city leaders of those unfortunate locals mimic their federal overlords by lying about these situations until too many social media posts pile up to ignore. The Regime media, as usual, labeled these reports as unverified rumors until evidence of their veracity became undeniable.

Fact check – there is no credible evidence (according to the legacy media) that your lying eyes are telling you the truth – Haitians eating local park waterfowl have been “debunked” despite police audio proving it’s true. There is a video of police arresting Haitian woman for eating her neighbors cat but that too is a figment of your imagination according to our gas lighting media.

The invasion of millions of illegals comes with a worsening competency crisis in every nook and cranny of the federal government. We watch in stunned silence as our tax monies are wasted, we can’t staff our military, we can’t recover stranded astronauts without the help of private contractors, we can no longer even build a temporary pier, and we are incapable of holding transparent, fair elections. The basic roles of government are being ignored leading to a deep and pervasive legitimacy crisis for the Regime. Challenging the consensus on which the Regime based it’s post World War II identity is a new line of attack on their legitimacy which explains why the Regime and their adjuncts on social media freaked out over the Tucker Carlson interview of Darryl Cooper.

The Shibboleths of the progressive left, feminism, egalitarianism, DEI, tabula rasa, and anti-white racism do not square with how things work in the world. Darryl Cooper and those who understand how reality operates are now free to fire broadsides into fake progressive media narratives without repercussions. Instead of being destroyed by the ensuing hysteria from the White House, Regime media, (and the Powerline blog), he is now the number one downloaded podcaster in every category on every podcast hosting site in the world. That would not have been the case five short years ago indicating a major shift to the right of the Overton Window.

Everyone wants to believe they would be this guy if they came of age in 1930’s Germany. Based on his work I think Daryl Cooper is the only person I know who could claim this title. The rest of us … not so much.

Alternative media podcasters should be able to argue that a morbidly obese alcoholic who worked from his bed all morning may not have been that great a man without automatically being labeled an anti-semite or holocaust denier. But being labeled by the left no longer matters. The regime media can engage in the fact-free sliming of opponents as right-wing extremists all they want but when every person not down with their agenda is labeled a “right-wing extremist,” the words have lost their meaning. This explains why the American media is no longer trusted or believed by any adult proficient at exercising their own reasoned choices.

* The full story of the Eclipse Group will be found in the new book Free Ranging Afghanistan scheduled for publication in the summer of 2025.

Eye of the Tiger

Yesterday an adult tiger escaped from the Quinta La Fauna zoo, which is outside of Reynosa and on the banks of the Rio Grande River. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development ( OCED) ranks Mexico number three in the world for animal abuse so the poor cat may be in no condition to swim the Rio Grande River. If he does he would be heading for the quant hamlet of Ganjero home of the Junk Yard Bar.

The Junk Yard Bar could be in for an interesting weekend

Of course the tiger would have to navigate a series of border wall fences that would drive him a little west towards the Bentsen Rio Grande State Park. The Bentsen park is about to fill up with bird watchers for the bi-annual hawk migration but not to worry, the park is full of armed border patrol agents and Texas State Troopers who spend their days rounding up illegal human migrants but I’m not sure what they would do about a tiger. Shooting the poor beast would not go down well with the public on this side of the river and I don’t think local animal control officers have the ability to tranquilize an adult tiger. Time will tell if the majestic beast had the energy to cross the Rio Grande but the safe bet is he has drowned or was stolen by the cartels.

This is a stock photo from India where they would know exactly what to do with a cat this size

The picture above is from a British newspaper article about how climate change is going to wipe out the Bengal tigers but that dog doesn’t hunt anymore as a more and more of us figure out the climate change hysteria is total bullshit. How many predictions by the “experts” are going to fail to materialize before everyone figures it out?

Migrating hawks have fields full of eco crucifixes to navigate but nobody seems to care about dead raptors unless they are covered in oil

In my last post I pointed out that this years hurricane season would be “nishta” (Pashto for nothing) for the exact reason our climate “experts” predicted it would be severe. Note how there have been no more hurricanes since my bold prediction but I have to tell you – when you point out how dead ass wrong the experts are people just get pissed off. Nobody wants to hear that everything they hear on the TV is nonsense, I guess it stirs up too much cognitive dissonance but I got bad news there too. When the famous 1959 paper on cognitive dissonance by Leon Festinger and James Carlsmith was subjected to a Granularity-Related Inconsistency of Means (GRIM test) they found the numbers to be bogus. You cannot have a mean of 3.08 from 20 test subjects filling in 0- 10 scales, it’s impossible yet typical of papers that use small data sets to detect big changes. GRIM tests, and the recently developed Stat Check are the reason why NOAA will not release the raw data they use to generate climate hysteria. All the right people are getting rich off the climate scam so who needs the truth cluttering up peoples thinking?

Daryl Cooper is the king of long form history podcasts

But I tire of the climate change hoax and want to move on to a guy who has the eye of the tiger and is currently under siege by the conservative media for expressing wrong think and that would be Daryl Cooper. Daryl is the king of long form history podcasts and was on Tucker Carlson last week talking about all sorts of things to include Winston Churchill and World War II. As a general rule I find morbidly obese middle age men who drink booze all day every day, lounge around in their pajamas most of the day, become enraged when disturbed while playing with toy soldiers, and have a propensity for designing and wearing silly military uniforms to be less than trustworthy. But I always gave Winston Churchill a pass on that because everybody else did, he’s a hero to many despite being weird as shit. Daryl isn’t giving Winston a pass and articulated several reason why and that has enraged my fellow conservatives causing me to start feuding with the Powerline bloggers and that is not a good place to be.

Powerline is written by razor sharp lawyers who I normally venerate except for 2016 when they developed a slight case of Trump Derangement Syndrome, but they recovered and there was no harm done. And it’s not just them, Victor Davis Hansen weighed in without listening to the podcast as have several “media professionals” like Dominic Green at the Washington Examiner. According to Dominic

Cooper blew it by admitting that he’d prepared for his interminable podcast series on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict by reading six books and then recited a medley of baseless suppositions, false generalizations, and open “secrets” about the origins of World War II”.

That bit of hatchet work is the exact opposite of what Daryl Cooper said which was:

“…well you know it’s funny actually because when I first started it I didn’t really know what went into making a podcast like that…so I started working on it after I’d read maybe like 6 books because the series only goes up to 1948.  When I started to approach the end of that episode this is months and months and months later by now I’ve read 20 books or 30 books about that pre 1948 era. I started going over what I created for that first episode, and it was so embarrassingly terrible …. I got to the point I counted them all up one time … but I read over 80 whole books parts of another 100 at least and about 12-13 hundred academic papers and journals. I read everything I could find”.

This is why I insist the media is the enemy of the people. They are lazy, partisan, and for some reason they have declared jihad on Tucker Carlson. Which has forced me to jihad with the Powerline writers who haven’t been as glaringly incompetent as ole Dominic but they obviously have not done any research into Daryl Cooper which should embarrass them.

I think questioning to role and motivations of Winston Churchill is an interesting topic given his alcoholism, obesity and weird habits. But if you want to get an idea why Daryl Cooper has his sights on Churchill listen to his podcast #19 The Anti Humans about the treatment of the Romanians by Stalin after World War II. I dare you to try and listen to the whole thing because it is as dark and nasty and upsetting as anything I’ve ever heard in my life. And no, I did not, and could not, listen to the whole thing because it was that upsetting. Churchill gave us Uncle Joe Stalin as an equal partner and that murderous son of a bitch is exceeded Hitler (but not Mao) in his willingness to butcher millions in order to stay in power. Maybe Winston should be held to account for that, maybe not, but it is for historians like Cooper to ferret out using the kind of drive that saw him read hundreds of books just to make a decent podcast. Plus he has the balls to question conventional wisdom and that is a rare find in these days of conformity and COVID masks.

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